19 старых инструментов, превращенных в оригинальные лампы для создания музыкальной атмосферы

19 старых инструментов, превращенных в оригинальные лампы для создания музыкальной атмосферы

Слава Королева — художница из Нью-Джерси. Ее страсть — превращать старые музыкальные инструменты, фотоаппараты и другие предметы в стильные лампы в стиле модерн.

Хотели бы вы, чтобы ваш дом освещала какая-нибудь из них?

#1 Антлион

19 Old Instruments Turned Into Original Lamps to Create a Music-Like Atmosphere in All Kinds of Interior

#2 Карапас

19 Old Instruments Turned Into Original Lamps to Create a Music-Like Atmosphere in All Kinds of Interior

#3 Эвридика

19 Old Instruments Turned Into Original Lamps to Create a Music-Like Atmosphere in All Kinds of Interior

#4 Триффид

19 Old Instruments Turned Into Original Lamps to Create a Music-Like Atmosphere in All Kinds of Interior

#5 Энделл

19 Old Instruments Turned Into Original Lamps to Create a Music-Like Atmosphere in All Kinds of Interior

#6 Гефест

19 Old Instruments Turned Into Original Lamps to Create a Music-Like Atmosphere in All Kinds of Interior

#7 Иерофант

19 Old Instruments Turned Into Original Lamps to Create a Music-Like Atmosphere in All Kinds of Interior

#8 Дервидд

19 Old Instruments Turned Into Original Lamps to Create a Music-Like Atmosphere in All Kinds of Interior

#9 Флогистон

19 Old Instruments Turned Into Original Lamps to Create a Music-Like Atmosphere in All Kinds of Interior

#10 Бахус

19 Old Instruments Turned Into Original Lamps to Create a Music-Like Atmosphere in All Kinds of Interior

#11 Источник

19 Old Instruments Turned Into Original Lamps to Create a Music-Like Atmosphere in All Kinds of Interior

#12 Роксана

19 Old Instruments Turned Into Original Lamps to Create a Music-Like Atmosphere in All Kinds of Interior

#13 Виолончель

19 Old Instruments Turned Into Original Lamps to Create a Music-Like Atmosphere in All Kinds of Interior

#14 Кочевник

19 Old Instruments Turned Into Original Lamps to Create a Music-Like Atmosphere in All Kinds of Interior

#15 Отрывок

19 Old Instruments Turned Into Original Lamps to Create a Music-Like Atmosphere in All Kinds of Interior

#16 Хэкни

19 Old Instruments Turned Into Original Lamps to Create a Music-Like Atmosphere in All Kinds of Interior

#17 Оттенки блюза

19 Old Instruments Turned Into Original Lamps to Create a Music-Like Atmosphere in All Kinds of Interior

#18 Пилларион

19 Old Instruments Turned Into Original Lamps to Create a Music-Like Atmosphere in All Kinds of Interior

#19 Ароннакс

19 Old Instruments Turned Into Original Lamps to Create a Music-Like Atmosphere in All Kinds of Interior

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